Tuesday 31 January 2017



mind map

This is my original mind map for the social media unit. On this mind map are the different subjects I could use, social media platforms and ways I could present my idea. I am leaning towards the theme of Facebook and Facebook comments, and how they can be positive and negative. In terms of presenting my idea, I like the idea of painting over it, sewing into it and using words from magazines. 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Posterize and halftone

original picture. 

edited picture.

First of all, I opened the image on photoshop, then image, adjustments posterize, set the level to get as much colour as possible. Then, image, adjustments, curves and adjust to preference. Image, mode grayscale, discard. Image, mode, bitmap make sure resolution is the same on input and output, select halftone screen on drop down option, change the frequency and angle to preference, this will change the size of the circles, change the shape to round. select then all, edit then copy to copy the image. Step back until you return to colour, edit and paste. Make a new layer, select rainbow on gradient drag the line straight through the middle of the image. Put layer 2 in-between the other 2 layers.  Done. 

Wednesday 11 January 2017


Original photo

Edited photo

First of all, I made the photo grayscale by clicking image, grayscale. Secondly I changed the colour of the image by clicking image, duotone, selecting duotone on the drop down option and selecting the colour I want. Go to image, select RGB colour and save. 

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Face swap

Marilyn Monroe original photo 

Simon Cowell Original photo


I got the two images from google, opened them in photoshop. Dragged Simons face onto Marylins. Free transform, made Simons face big enough to go on top, used the eraser to rub out the background, his hair etc. I changed the brush size and the harshness to start blending. I adjusted the eraser opacity and continued to blend. I adjusted the brightness/contrast and the colour balance. 

Tuesday 22 November 2016


Original photo. 

Lomo photo.

First of all I found an image off the internet, I then cropped it, use the lasso tool and selected around the ferris wheel, select, modify and feather. Change to 100 pixels, inverse. Layer, new adjustment layer, levels, change middle box to 0.40. Layer, flatten image. Layer, adjustment layer, curves, adjust curves line. Layer, new, layer, use paint tool in black on image . Drop down, hue, lower opacity. Layer, flatten image. Image, mode, lab colour. Filter, sharpen, unsharp mask change top and bottom box to 50 and 50.0. Image, mode RGB colour. 

Tuesday 15 November 2016


sunset original photo. 

elephant original photo.


First of all, I deleted the background from the elephants by using the quick selection tool and deleting the elephants, clicking the back space to delete the background. I used the rubber tool to get rid of anything left behind and neaten it up. I used the colour selector tool and the paint brush to fill in any bits which I accidentally rubbed out. I selected the elephants and moved them onto the sunset image. I used free transform and transform to scale the elephants and make them look realistic.